21 Day Racial Equity Challenge
About the Challenge
The 21-Day Racial Equity Habit Building Challenge is simple!
You commit to deepening your understanding of, and willingness to confront, racism for twenty-one consecutive days in April of each year. The Challenge will raise your awareness, change your understanding and shift the way you behave.
However, the Challenge goes beyond individual or interpersonal racism by helping to demystify structural and institutional racism and white supremacist patterns that are sometimes invisible to people. Finally, the Challenge inspires you to act, on your own or with others in your organization, business, or group, to dismantle these systems, to make changes in your work and the world that can build true equity and justice for all.
Lay the Groundwork
Daily Prompts
Click each tile below to access daily challenges.

FSNE 21-Day Racial Equity Challenge materials by Food Solutions New England are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution – Non Commercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Please use materials with attribution back to source. Not for commercial gain.