OUR MISSION: The mission of the Revere Public Library (RPL) is to offer a welcoming, inclusive environment to promote lifelong learning and equitable access to the information services our community needs. We are committed to providing programs and services that foster creativity, intellectual freedom, and a culturally safe space for our patrons. (Approved by Library Board of Trustees January 10, 2022)

PURPOSE OF POLICY: The purpose of this Collection Development Policy is to guide the acquisition of materials for use by the patrons of the RPL that best serve their needs. The RPL understands we serve a culturally diverse, socioeconomically varied public that is in need of equitable access to information. The core tenets of our mission dictate that we provide a collection of resources that reflects our patrons and guarantees meeting their need for a safe space for all that promotes and enhances the lifelong process of learning, creativity, and community bonding.

GUIDING PRINCIPLES / VISION: Under the structure of the American Library Association’s (ALA) Bill of Rights and Freedom to Read Statement,  the Revere Public Library observes and supports the belief that all patrons, regardless of origin, age, background, or views, shall have free and suitable access to ideas, information, and intellectually creative experiences that accompany said access. The aforementioned documents are pillars that support the Revere Public Library’s guiding principles for collection development.

Materials in our collection are evaluated and chosen based on the work as a whole, and not for isolated passages of the work itself. The race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, national origin, disability, or political views of any author, offensive language, controversial content, or endorsement or refuting of a collective or individual will not cause an item to be automatically included or excluded.

Access to any materials in our library shall not be restricted based on the patron’s age, race, gender, socioeconomic situation, sexual orientation, religion, origin, or disability. The responsibility for what an individual chooses to read, view, or listen to through said materials will rest with the individual. Responsibility for children/young adults will lie with their parents/legal guardians. No library staff member will act in their stead. The selection of our materials will not be inhibited by the inherent possibility that they may come into the possession of children/young adults.

COPYRIGHT LAW: Revere Public Library abides by copyright law. Patrons using library materials are responsible for the legal use of that material.

PHILOSOPHY / SCOPE OF COLLECTION: The Revere Public Library acquires and maintains a carefully selected, quality collection of materials that serve the needs of the community of Revere. These materials are meant to reflect the cultures, languages, and topics of interest that pervade the community in which the library resides. The collection is an ever-changing and expanding entity that will adapt and progress as needed. The materials that the RPL acquires are to be consistent with current, reliable information, a broad range of topics and titles, as well as recreational materials that are appealing to all ages and backgrounds. It is with the principle of accessibility for all walks of life that we create our collection of materials.

The materials we offer are made available in the following formats:

  • Print:  Hardcover & Paperback of both Fiction and Non-Fiction, Large Print Books, Magazines, Daily Newspapers for same-day perusing, Graphic Novels & Manga.
  • Non-Print:  Audiobooks and DVDs/Blu-ray
  • Digital Resources:  Online databases, eBooks, and e-Audiobooks
  • Recreational Materials:  Children’s Toys, Craft Materials, Electronic Materials, and Borrowable Items from the Library of Things

The RPL does not purchase textbooks to supplement educational (Middle/High School or Collegiate) programs. Textbooks will be added only on the basis of if they are not available readily elsewhere based on the source of the subject matter.

Material beyond the scope of the NOBLE system may be available through the Commonwealth Catalog or through close proximity to the Boston Public Library System.

SELECTION CRITERIA: The professional staff of the Revere Public Library is responsible for the selection of materials. Any and all suggestions for the ordering of materials from patrons or other staff are encouraged and taken into consideration. The responsibility for the selection of materials rests within the heads of the different departments of the RPL; that being the Children’s Librarian, Adult Services Librarian, and the head of Collections Development respectively. Final responsibility for approving all selections resides with the Director, under the authority of the Board of Trustees.

Due to limitations such as budget or space constraints, the Revere Public Library must be selective in our choices. The RPL strives to make available a collection that is optimal for our patrons and the community of Revere in reflecting its population and needs. In creating the best collection for the patrons of Revere, we understand that  everyone in the community may not agree with the materials gathered. In selecting any and all materials, the RPL does not constitute or imply agreement or approval of the content it selects, only that it assures that varying viewpoint are represented. The theft or destruction of any such material will not inhibit the library from selecting said conflicting works in the future.

In accordance with and through close examination of other libraries, the Revere Public Library selects materials based on criteria that are consistent with the RPL’s beliefs and vision as stated above:

  • A need for information within the community.
  • Subject matter in its full scope and context.
  • Merits of the reputation of the author/publisher.
  • Literary merit based on reviewed sources.
  • Contemporary nature and accuracy of the materials.
  • Suitability of material for a Library setting.
  • Quality of materials based on relative costs.
  • Availability elsewhere that may affect need by location.
  • Balancing of viewpoints.
  • Popularity of author or subject matter for RPL location.

The above criteria are observed by all departments and constantly monitored through review of print publications and online in order to keep up with current information and trends.

WEEDING POLICY / COLLECTION MAINTENANCE: Please see our related link for our Weeding Policy in regards to collection maintenance.

RECONSIDERATION OF LIBRARY MATERIAL: The library, as the need arises, will re-evaluate the selection, placement, or choice of materials if requested by a patron or member of the community. Forms will be available in person, by request, to be filled out and returned at the individual’s convenience.

The Director, in consultation with the staff members in charge of the collection from which the material is being reconsidered, will deliberate based on the form and its context in regards to the disposition of the material. Within two weeks of the form being filed, the aforementioned staff will consult and make an initial assessment of the request and contact the patron who filed the reconsideration, in writing.

If the patron is not satisfied with the decision, they may appeal in writing to the Director. At that time the Director will confer with the Board of Trustees during their regularly scheduled board meetings (typically the second Monday of every month). It is at these meetings that the Director and Board will discuss and prepare a report/response on the reconsidered item in question and have a response for the application filer within two weeks of said meeting.

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