Reservations are available to patrons upon request

RPL makes its meeting rooms available for use by non-profit groups for non-commercial, cultural, informational, educational, intellectual and civic purposes. Room availability is available on a first come/first served basis with library programming and meetings taking priority. 

All individuals using the meeting room must adhere to the policies set in place below, as well as the general Patron Policies of the Revere Public Library, which is available upon request and posted in all meeting rooms. 


  • Library programs and events have priority for meeting room use.
  • Drinks are allowed, however we ask that you do not bring in food.
  • Meeting rooms must be reserved for use.
    • Same day reservations are subject to availability
  • Meeting rooms may be booked for no longer than 3 hour sessions at a time.
  • Respect other reservations by allocating time at the end of your meeting for cleaning up. Please do not run over your reservation time.
  • If you have a reservation and the previous meeting is running late, please notify a staff member.
    • We will address the individual(s) to let them know they have exceeded their allotted time.
  • Programs and exhibits may not disrupt the use of the library by others
  • All programs must be open to the public
  • No admission may be charged for any program in the meeting rooms.
  • Meetings will not be available 30 mins prior to closing
  • The meeting rooms must be returned to their original condition after the meeting (as it was prior to the meeting). Failure to return the rooms to their correct condition could result in loss of the privilege to use the room
  • No extended bookings of the meeting rooms are allowed without special permission of the Library Director
  • The Library Director reserves the right to refuse the use of the meeting and conference rooms or to cancel any reservation when they deem the action to be in the best interest of the library and/or City of Revere
  • Library staff is not available to help with set up or clean up
  • No smoking, vaping or alcoholic beverages
  • The library is not responsible for theft of or damage to property brought into a library meeting room.

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