Vocations and Careers (Gale OneFile)
Research database provided information on the jobs market and vocations at large. Please use revere as the login information.
Research database provided information on the jobs market and vocations at large. Please use revere as the login information.
The most popular degrees in fire science occur at the associate level. Two-year programs in fire science introduce students to the basics of emergency services, including fire personnel, first-response medical (EMTs and paramedics), police officers and federal agencies involved in emergencies and disasters. Coursework then progresses into fire behavior, building construction, protection systems, prevention techniques … Continued
Provides academic skill building in reading, writing, math, and science, standardized test preparation, soft skills training, job search and career advancement, college admissions test preparation, professional licensing and certification test preparation, high school equivalency test prep, and much more.
LinkedIn Learning is a free site where you can learn from over 4,000 courses in Business, Technology and Creative Skills taught by industry experts. This site is perfect for teachers, students, and anyone who wants to learn a new skill! Like mastering Microsoft Excel, Photoshop, HTML, or animation, the list goes on so check it … Continued